Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sins of the Blogger

Forgive me, blog readers, for I have sinned. It has been 21 days since my last post.

But I haven't been idle. I've written a new short story, "Hare to the Throne",  a tale about social conformity arising from within the society, through peer pressure, as opposed to being imposed by the government, as is typical in most dystopian stories. The story takes the more religious reader out of his comfort zone and place him in the POV (point of view) of an atheist viewing religion. It will probably be released as an eStorybook or end up in my next anthology.

I've also been busy writing the third book in the Halos & Horns series, "To Hell in a Hand Basket". I'm having a lot of fun reuniting with all of my characters from the series. It's like meeting up with old friends you haven't seen in a while. I had some trepidation starting the third book, since the second one was a tough act to follow (and how do you recover from the ending?) but so far I'm quite pleased with the results.

Shards, my new short story collection, will be officially released next month, but I have received some advance copies, so if anyone wants to purchase one early, shoot me an email or leave a reply here. At 542 pages, it is an impressively thick book that will give your mailman a hernia.

August is also the month we're going to begin producing some podcasts. I'll have more on that as we get deeper into the project, but I am very excited by the prospect. Later this year, we'll be making some cool products available, like coffee mug, T-shirts, and tote bags, emblazoned with book covers and logos. We've had some of these items circulating among the Amber crowd for years (I love my mug and I hardly go anywhere without the tote bag) but I recently agreed to make some of the items available to everyone.

I'm delighted to report we will soon have a guest blog by a wonderful short story author; a blog on a surprisingly controversial topic that's been prompting a lot of attention and comment lately; and a link to a new interview I did with Jennifer Rainey, author of a fabulous fantasy novel, "These Hellish Happenings".

So stay tuned.

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