A lot will begin on that day, even though I'll be away from this blog, recuperating from some broken ribs. May 25 is the release date for And A Child Shall Lead Them, the second book in the Halos & Horns series, picking up where Paved With Good Intentions left off.
Also, at midnight, in conjunction with the "Splash Into Summer Hop", we'll be giving away a free copy of And A Child Shall Lead Them. The contest will run the whole week I'm gone and the winner will be announced shortly after I return.
But through the magic of the Internet, computers, and a bit of witchcraft, excerpts from And A Child Shall Lead Them will appear each day during the entire week I'm gone (I hope). Meantime, catch up with Halos & Horns and buy or download Book One, Paved With Good Intentions.