Thursday, May 30, 2024

All The Time In The World - Now in Audiobook!

Young Adult Science Fiction


  All the Time in the World:
Book Three in The Adventures of Mackenzie Mortimer

Mac has left Gramps' diary behind in the future and Victoria Carmichael's ex-husband, Jeremy Bentaine, has stolen it along with Gramps' journals. Now, Bentaine Industries seeks to be the sole possessor of time travel technology... and that means eliminating Mackenzie Mortimer before he discovers the pocket watch! But Mac has followed Gramps' trail to WWII Nazi-occupied Belgium, where he must use his future technology to stay alive, locate Gramps, and unite a pair of star-crossed lovers. The horrors of WWII that Mac encounters will change him forever, but if the Bentaine family has its way, forever will be a very short time for Mackenzie Mortimer!

Time is running out... but fortunately, Mackenzie Mortimer has a few more minutes than anyone else.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Tomorrow Paradox -- Now in Audiobook!

Young Adult Science Fiction!


The Tomorrow Paradox:
Book Two in The Adventures of Mackenzie Mortimer

After confronting the mysterious time traveler who had been stalking him, Mac's pocket watch was destroyed. Now Mackenzie Mortimer’s troubles are just beginning! Mac finds himself a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by familiar people he doesn’t really know, with only Gemma, a 15-year-old clone, to guide him through the labyrinth of the future. Will the mysterious black, iron key unlock the secrets to returning him home, or is it a harbinger of his impending doom?

Time is running out... but fortunately, Mackenzie Mortimer has a few more minutes than anyone else.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The 25th Hour - NOW IN AUDIOBOOK!

Young Adult Science Fiction!


The 25th Hour: Book One in The Adventures of Mackenzie Mortimer -- NOW IN AUDIOBOOK FORMAT

Mackenzie Mortimer is a typical junior high geek: shy, awkward, late with his homework, and always late for class. He's never got enough time to do everything he needs to do; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. But when Mac finds his grandfather's pocket watch, he discovers his days have an extra hour. The eccentric inventor's journal reveals the watch can add up to 60 minutes to a single day by freezing time around whomever controls it. When a crisis looms for Mac and his friends, time is running out... but fortunately, Mackenzie Mortimer has a few more minutes than anyone else.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Speculative Fiction



 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (audiobook format)

From the American Midwest to the Middle East, to London, and even to the Alpha Concordance — a section of the galaxy at the edge of man's celestial peripheral vision — eight explorers of differing genders, cultures, and religions seek to uncover the mysteries of the universe. What is the true nature of the soul? What is the long-lost secret of the origin of mankind? Does God exist? And if so, where is he now? Is there life in the cosmos? How does one even define life? Is a man without a soul alive? Is an android that walks and talks like a man? Can a sentient artificial intelligence computer be alive? And what defines humanity? Does man's inhumanity toward his fellow man stem from evil, madness, or something more?

With the long-term survival of humanity at stake, the intrepid explorers find themselves transported across the universe to somewhere they are not supposed to be, having learned reality is not what it seems and the laws of physics were never really laws at all, merely suggestions. Will their disparate differences — in gender, cultures, philosophies, and religious beliefs — aid these explorers in piecing together the mysteries or pull them further from the truth? Or are they, along with their developing interpersonal relationships, merely a commentary on the human condition?

A novella in three acts, blending philosophy, religion, and quantum mechanics.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


JUSTIN TYME - Audiobook
Time Travel Will Never Be The Same!

JUSTIN TYME: Impulsive, brilliant, protégé, physicist. He's the brains.
ELIZABETH MADISON: Martial arts fighter, polyglot, government agent. She's the brawn.

Together they'll make history…
while hopefully not changing it.

When the government pulls the plug on Dr. Daniel Spencer's Top Secret time travel project his brilliant young protégé, physicist Justin Tyme, impetuously sends himself into the timestream to prove Project Chronos' viability, undeterred by the fact they haven't yet figured out how to return a chrononaut safely. Fearing the brash scientist might inadvertently change the past, the Defense Department sends agent Elizabeth Madison to join Justin Tyme as his time-traveling companion. She's perfect for the job: she speaks 15 languages and is skilled in hand-to-hand combat.Elizabeth is proficient in judo, karate, jujitsu, aikido, kendo, tae kwon do, and wushu, the shaolin form of Chinese kung fu. Now Elizabeth must keep Justin Tyme out of trouble and prevent him from altering history – even if that means terminating him.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


When the Lockdown Ends, the Danger Begins!

The QuaranTeens

2025 – A new coronavirus, COVID-25, spreads across the globe killing hundreds of thousands before disappearing. They thought the worst was over… until four years later, when the more virulent COVID-29 strikes, wiping out 80% of the world’s population. The government rapidly constructs an underground complex – the bunker – to safeguard 50 specially selected infants and young children to be mankind’s last hope. When the bunker’s last adult dies 12 years later, the quarantined teenagers must form their own society within the bunker or venture out into the post-plague world.

Friday, May 10, 2024

JUST PUBLISHED: VVA Book 8 - Fishing with the Amoeba Guy

 JUST PUBLISHEDVVA Book 8 - Fishing with the Amoeba Guy

302 pages.

The Hyperions have left Earth but Gaunt and his family of vampires face other threats, both alien and supernatural. The blood-sucking Nightcrawlers are indomitable alien symbionts, as deadly as they are unstoppable. Body-snatching Void Wraiths are amoeba-like aliens from a micro-scopic dimension targeting our world. Ancient vampires from other planets reside on Earth, as do home-grown werewolves, witches, and geomancers. Even humans, like government security agencies, corrupt politicians, and wealthy entrepreneurs pose a threat to the vampires.

In Book 8, Fishing with the Amoeba Guy, teenage werewolf Benton Cartwright makes new high school friends and powerful alien and supernatural enemies. The vampires search for Gaunt, whose blood is being used to synthesize a drug that gives users the attributes of vampires.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, Ebook Google Play, Audiobook

Saturday, May 4, 2024



Cops and Robbers "Grim cover"  Audiobook (Google Play)

Cops and Robbers "Whimsy cover" Audiobook (Google Play)


A pair of FBI agents set up a bogus movie production as part of an unlikely sting operation to snare a mob kingpin. They buy the worst script in Hollywood and hire a failed movie producer whose career is on the skids; a third-rate aging actress whose claim to fame is having performed Shakespeare… on a cruise ship; an amphetamine-enhanced screenwriter; a hooker; a Yiddish-speaking accountant; a black, flaming gay actor; and a Native American actor who insists on dressing like an Old West dime store Indian. However, throughout the course of the film, the mobsters and one of the FBI agents become so enamored by the glitter and glamour of Hollywood that they actually end up working together to try to make the movie a success. Our hero is a hitman in search of the redemption he doesn't believe he deserves. He realizes the fake film was never meant to be produced and develops a conscience believing it's wrong to allow the innocent actors and film crew to spend months of their lives working on a movie no one will ever see, despite the delusions of everyone else involved. Knowing their hopes and dreams will be dashed, our hero sets about trying to do the right thing.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

JUST PUBLISHED! Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God


Speculative Fiction

266 pages

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

From the American Midwest to the Middle East, to London, and even to the Alpha Concordance — a section of the galaxy at the edge of man's celestial peripheral vision — eight explorers of differing genders, cultures, and religions seek to uncover the mysteries of the universe. What is the true nature of the soul? What is the long-lost secret of the origin of mankind? Does God exist? And if so, where is he now? Is there life in the cosmos? How does one even define life? Is a man without a soul alive? Is an android that walks and talks like a man? Can a sentient artificial intelligence computer be alive? And what defines humanity? Does man's inhumanity toward his fellow man stem from evil, madness, or something more?

With the long-term survival of humanity at stake, the intrepid explorers find themselves transported across the universe to somewhere they are not supposed to be, having learned reality is not what it seems and the laws of physics were never really laws at all, merely suggestions. Will their disparate differences — in gender, cultures, philosophies, and religious beliefs — aid these explorers in piecing together the mysteries or pull them further from the truth? Or are they, along with their developing interpersonal relationships, merely a commentary on the human condition?

A novella in three acts, blending philosophy, religion, and quantum mechanics.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, Ebook, and Audiobook